Jasper Board Working to Lower Overtime Costs
Published on June 12 2015 10:55 am
Last Updated on June 12 2015 10:55 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Jasper County Board members Thursday voted to make some hirings so as to lower overtime costs.
The Board hired a part-time telecommunicator and agreed that three Newton city police officers will also work part-time for the County.
Board members heard that preliminary drawings are in on a remodel of Jasper County Jail to accommodate 911 facilities, and plan to discuss the project with a grants administrator to see whether outside funding help is available. The Board also voted to allocate $62,000 to Jasper County Extension as their share of tax revenue. Board members also approved a $12.50 increase in the Jury Service Fee for a civil trial with a jury of six, plus another $125 per juror for every juror needed above the original six.
The Jasper Board heard about a $99,000 incubator grant that Jasper Economic Development is interested in using to offer office space for a prospective business in the old Worcester building; and approved an agreement with Dynegy, the company that owns the power plant. The three-year agreement is based on an equalized assessment valuation of $67,000,000, rather than $92,000,000 as it was previously. The Board also agreed to contribute $750 to Franklin County, where the Board is trying to keep a meth treatment center for juveniles open.