Lake Land Board Meets
Published on June 12 2015 10:25 am
Last Updated on June 12 2015 10:25 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Lake Land College Board of Trustees heard this week that the State owes them big bucks.
Trustees learned that as of Monday, the State owed Lake Land $4.66 million.
The trustees also heard that summer and fall enrollments are down relative to the same time last year.
Lake Land President Josh Bullock announced that Interactive Health Solutions has awarded the college the 2014 Healthiest Companies in America award. This is the third year in a row the college has received the distinction.
Bullock also recognized Trustee Mike Sullivan of Mattoon for receiving the 25-year trustee designation from the Illinois Community College Association. Sullivan has served 28 years on the Lake Land Board, since 1987. Trustees also received an update from Bullock on strategic planning. Trustees reviewed a draft of college-level key performance indicators, and then shared the importance of all staff members being engaged in growing enrollment.
The Board approved the Resource Allocation Management Plan, or RAMP, for the college. The chief capital improvement project sought is the expansion of the Kluthe Center in Effingham into a Rural Development Technology Center, as was discussed at a press conference earlier this week, along with renovation of existing campus buildings.
Trustees awarded a bid to United Graphics of Mattoon for $61,545 for the printing and mailing of the new Lake Land College magazine; approved appointments of Daniel Allen and Rakhska as fulltime tenure track Physics instructors; and approved the fiscal year salary grades and ranges schedule for hiring new full-time administrative, supervisory and support staff positions.