Windsor School Board Approves Summer Lunch Program


Published on May 18 2015 9:20 am
Last Updated on May 18 2015 9:20 am
Written by Greg Sapp

The Windsor school district will offer a summer lunch program.

Windsor Superintendent Geoff Schoonover said the program will be offered from June 8 through August 7. Schoonover said the program will be offered to anyone living in the Windsor area 18 or younger. A USDA grant is financing the program.

The Board also approved an intergovernmental agreement with the Shelbyville school district to share a CAD program instructor, and named Board President Matt Bennett to serve as the district's representative on the Eastern Illnois Area Special Education Board.

Board members discussed the fee schedule for the coming school year. There've been no changes in the schedule so far, but Schoonover said more discussion is expected at the next Board meeting.

The Board also hired Cody McCollum to serve as the first coach of the new Windsor/Stew-Stras boys basketball team. More on that item on the basketball page on the website.