County Board Schedules Special Meeting to Vote on Fireworks Ordinance


Published on May 8 2015 11:09 am
Last Updated on May 8 2015 11:09 am
Written by Greg Sapp

A special meeting of the Effingham County Board has been called for Monday to vote on a consumer fireworks ordinance.

The Board's legislative committee will meet at 2pm to consider the proposed ordinance. The board, which meets as a committee of the whole that usually involves all or most of the county board, will consider the ordinance along with other business. The County Board meeting is to follow the committee meeting, with the fireworks ordinance the only item on the board meeting agenda.

Board Chairman Jim Niemann said he and some other members held what he termed a "productive meeting" by phone with a representative of the Illinois State Fire Marshal's Office to review the proposed ordinance.

State law limits what can be sold at any stands that might open. Niemann said items such as firecrackers, bottle rockets and Roman candles are prohibited, but ground displays and those items that lift into the air and burst at their peak height to create stars or other effects are permitted.

Niemann said the proponents are hoping to get the ordinance passed to allow those who want to sell fireworks to be trained as soon as possible. The State Fire Marshal's Office will be in the county later next week, if the measure passes, to "train the trainers" who would instruct in how to safely use the fireworks. Niemann said the invitation has initially gone out to area fire departments to train as trainers. 

Anyone who wants to sell fireworks would also have to obtain insurance. The fire chiefs of areas where stands are located would have to approve the stands before they could begin operation.

Niemann said the County could benefit from permit fees and sales tax, but has no idea as to the amount of revenue that could be generated.