Unit 40 Says Farewell to Soltwedel (ADDING PERSONNEL MOVES)


Published on April 27 2015 10:46 pm
Last Updated on April 28 2015 9:20 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Monday night's Effingham Unit 40 school board meeting was the final one for Delbert Soltwedel. He's been on the Board a long time.


Soltwedel did not seek re-election earlier this month, saying he'd been on the Board long enough. He served 24 years, having been first elected in 1987, and has served as Board president for much of his term.

When asked what he'll remember most, Soltwedel said it would be easy to focus on the new high school built during his tenure, but said he would rather focus on trying to do what's best for kids and for the school district, and for leaving the District on good financial footing. He noted the district has been cutting spending in each of the past several years and said, "If we hadn't made the cuts, we would've been broke (by now)."

Jane Willenborg was sworn in as the lone new Board member to succeed Soltwedel. Jeff Michael, Carol Ruffner and Todd Schaefer were sworn in to new terms after being re-elected earlier this month. Michael was chosen new Board President, Schaefer Vice-President and Ruffner Secretary.


Speaking of funding, Assistant Superintendent Rem Woodruff reported that the District's overall fund balance of over $16 million is 4.14% lower than last year and the operating funds balance of more than $13 million is 5.82% lower than a year ago. 

Superintendent Mark Doan noted that, because the District has money in the bank, they were left out of the funds the State came up with after state school funding was cut by 2.25%. The District will lose $145,000.

Unit 40 Foundation Board President Laurie King reported there were 62 applications for Foundation scholarships this year, twice the number of a year ago. King said 38 scholarships were awarded totaling $20,000. Doan reported 2,617 students were enrolled in Unit 40 in March, 11 more than during the same month one year earlier.

The Board approved several personnel moves, including Trent Mason as the new Effingham High School Director of Bands. Band Boosters are hoping for a long tenure; Mason is the fourth director in as many years. Board also approved a memorandum of agreement with the Effingham Classroom Teachers Association allowing that the instruction of the new Construction Trades class this fall will be a Unit 40 employee, but will not be a member of ECTA.

In other personnel moves, the Unit 40 Board hired Lacy Althoff as a junior high Language Arts instructor, Rick Clayton as a Central School custodian, and several people as seasonal summer help, including Diane Arnold, Linda Baker, Deb Blankenship, Liz Budde, Sharon Chesnut, Katrina Eirhart, Teresa Fuesting, Jackie Genaust, Pam Hiatt, Patty Keck, Sue Kinkelaar, Darlene Krietemeyer, Kerri Krischel, Pansy Limes, Cindy Matteson, Megan McDonald, Derek Minor, Michelle Morrissey, Kyle Niebrugge, Weston Peno, Kathy Peters, Lori Saunders, Steve Schillings, Benjamin Sporleder, Ray Thompson, Diane Tieffel, plus four additional summer help for the Maintenance Department. The Board accepted resignations from Rod Wiethop as junior high boys track coach, Teresa Fuesting as Central School cafeteria monitor, Rebecca Eskew as junior high secretary, and Eric Lux as a Special Education teacher and assistant football coach. Board members accepted the retirement of Patti Jansen as a paraprofessional, and approved Family and Medical Leaves for Katrina Bauer and Patty Keck.

Also approved was the award of a contract for repairs to the small gym roof at Effingham High School. Kehrer Brothers Construction of Albers was the low bidder at $66,000, some $20,000 less than the next lowest bidder. The discrepancy caused some questions by Board members, but Woodruff said the architect has signed off on the work.

Doan reported that Effingham High School graduation is still a go for Sunday, May 17, at 2pm. There will be 175 graduates. Baccalaureate will be on Wednesday, May 13 at 7pm, sponsored by the Effingham Ministerial Association.