Unit 40 Board Acts on Several Personnel Items
Published on March 24 2015 7:28 am
Last Updated on March 24 2015 7:58 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Effingham Unit 40 Board of Education Monday approved 2% pay increases for administrators for the coming school year.
Superintendent Mark Doan said the percentage increase is at or a little lower than what teachers and support staff employees will receive.
The Board also acted to not retain three teachers for next year. Two of those teachers, Jessica Barthelme and Ben Giertz, were hired for second semester with the understanding that they might not be retained for next year. The third teacher is third-year staff member Christie Curry.
Also in personnel moves, Board members hired Donna Pierson as Health Care Supervisor for the district for next school year, and Erin Schackmann as a high school Math teacher; approved a transfer for Cheryl Scanlan as an elementary guidance counselor; and accepted resignations from Tim Veatch as a custodian at Central School, Kyle Stortzum as grounds and maintenance man for the district, and Todd Venters as a teacher at the junior high school. The Board also accepted retirements from Central School teacher Connie Vonderheide and from Central School Head Custodian Jim Moschenrose who is leaving after more than 50 years with the district. Also approved was a Family and Medical Leave Act leave for Nancy Ervin.
The Board set fees for next year. There was a 10-cent increase in milk prices to comply with Federal guidelines, and a $125 fee established for the new Construction Trades class starting next year. Doan said no other fees were changed.
Board members approved a new three-year contract with Honeywell for work on energy-saving measures. The new agreement is for $10,300 less than the current expiring agreement. Also approved were changes in the discipline code and handbooks, including provisions that something else be worn over tight fitting pants, the new I-watches from Apple, and concerning cyberbullying. Also approved was a new agreement with the Regional Office of Education to rent the West Side School building for alternative education programs. The charge will be $35,000, a $5,000 increase over this year. Space is also being rented to CEFS Economic Opportunity Corporation, but there was no change in that fee. The Board also hired Glass and Shuffett to do the annual audit of the past fiscal year, renewed membership in a supply purchasing co-op, and renewed membership in the IHSA for next year.