Busy Meeting for North Clay School Board
Published on March 20 2015 10:56 am
Last Updated on March 20 2015 10:56 am
Written by Greg Sapp
North Clay school board members Thursday discussed a wide variety of topics.
The Board heard from some female students in support of Billy Coble being named girls high school basketball coach. Coble also spoke about his interest in coaching basketball again. Later in the meeting, the Board hired Coble as girls coach on a 3-2 vote.
A one-year agreement was approved with the North Clay Park District for sharing facilities for $1,500.
Some students were present to speak on behalf of creating a dance team to perform at basketball games. The Board tabled the matter, but asked the students to get them more information on the idea.
The Board amended the school year in light of recent snow days. The last day for students will be May 26 with a full day of atttedance, to be followed by a teacher's institute on May 27. Board members also scheduled eighth grade promotion for 6:30pm on Friday, May 22, and high school commencement on Sunday, May 17 with baccalaureate at 2pm and graduation at 3pm.
Building principals presented potential changes in the handbooks for each building. The changes were approved, except for a proposal for mandatory school PE uniforms.
The Board discussed funding of athletics and transportation changes for next school year. After considerable discussion, the Board passed a motion to limit the number of stops/dropoff locations to a maximum of two beginning with the coming school year regardless of whether it was on one or two bus routes. No motion came on funding athletic transportation or on funding all athletics. That means the district will not provide athletic transportation, but it will fund the eight sports that are currently funded.
In personnel action, the North Clay board accepted the resignation of elementary teacher Julie Barbee as of the end of the school year, dismissed second year teacher Jeremy Edwards as of the end of the school year, rehired other non-tenured teachers, hired Mark Pierson as a substitute bus driver, accepted resignations from Robin Hartsey as a cook, Jeannie Crull as high school assistant volleyball coach as of the end of the school year, and paraprofessional Debbie Allen who is retiring at the end of the school year with 25 years' service, and granted the administration to fill any vacancies as needed.