Local Cancer Research Group Expanding While Others Close
Published on May 28 2014 9:25 am
Last Updated on May 28 2014 9:25 am
Written by Greg Sapp
A local cancer care and research group is continuing to expand while others around them are closing.
Dr. Philip Dy of Cancer Care Specialists told Effingham Noon Rotarians Wednesday that their group has 17 doctors and they are joining forces so that the local group will oversee 79 oncologists in central Illinois.
With the good news of expansion, Dy had troubling news; there is a 45% increase predicted in the number of cases of cancer by 2030. He said cancer is expected by 2030 to replace heart disease as the leading cause of death.
That prediction led Dy to ask Rotarians to watch their diets and to exercise. When asked what items people should eliminate from their diets, Dy said, "Nothing". He said it's more important to have a balanced diet.
Dy said the number one cause of the onset of cancer is aging. He's pleased, though, that success is being seen with targeted medicines, rather than chemotherapy to fight certain cancers. He said, "at some point, there will be medicine for specific cases treating specific people in specific doses and no risk of side effects."
Dy is optimistic that the same amount of advances in cancer treatment seen in the past 50 or 60 years will be seen in the next 10 or 15 years.