EPD Saturday Results -- January 18
Published on January 20 2014 1:28 pm
Last Updated on January 20 2014 1:28 pm
Written by Millie Lange
Game One
Team Beesley 0 5 4 2 -- 11
Team Wiedman 3 12 12 7 -- 34
Team Beesley -- Taylor Beesley 9, Taylor Mette 2. Leading rebounder -- Beesley 8.
Team Wiedman -- Alli Brumleve 9, Hanna DiBenedetto 2, Ann Niebrugge 10, Kelsey Partlow 6, Ciara Roepke 6, Mackenzie Saunders 1. Leading rebounder -- Partlow 7.
Game Two
Team Armstrong 4 8 18 6 -- 36
Team Demers 8 5 2 9 -- 24
Team Armstrong -- Taylor Armstrong 4, Mary Guse 6, Grace Hakman 8, Allyson Hardiek 2, Caroline McDevitt 4, Cassie Robson 6, Rachel Jackman 6. Leading rebounder -- Guse 10.
Team Demers -- Jessica Coffin 2, Kelsey Demers 2, Karsyn Gouchenouer 1, Karlee Roepke 6, Katherine Slaughter 6, Catherine Willenborg 7. Leading rebounder -- Demers 4.
Game One
Team Moore 15 8 14 8 -- 45
Team Beck 6 13 8 8 -- 35
Team Moore -- Austin Herboth 2, Eli Moore 5, Lane Moser 4, Grant Nuxoll 8, Carson Utz 18, Ty Wiedman 8. Leading rebounders -- Moore 7, Utz 7.
Team Beck -- Landon Adams 5, Brennan Beck 14, Blake Devore 8, Cameron Jones 4, Wyatt Wright 4. Leading rebounder -- Wright 12.
Game Two
Team Walsh 3 7 11 3 -- 28
Team Antrim 17 12 17 14 -- 60
(Team Walsh linescore adds up to 24 while 28 listed as final)
Team Walsh -- Austin Faber 3, Izayah Goss 6, Kennan Walsh 14. Leading rebounder -- Walsh 7. (individuals add up to 23 while 28 listed as final)
Team Antrim -- Logan Antrim 15, Drew Dust 6, Tristen Elkin 6, Connor Reardon 6, Joshua Santos 20, James Schuette 7. Leading rebounder -- Santos 13.
Game Three
Team Hunzinger 14 8 7 10 3 -- 42
TEam Woelfer 8 12 15 4 5 -- 44
Team Hunzinger -- Matthew Hunzinger 2, Bryce Ikemire 4, Matthew Loy 4, Tucker Moeller 6, Christian Raddatz 11, Dalton Will 15. Leading rebounder -- Ikemire 8.
Team Woelfer -- Bradin Baucum 11, Kolby Brewer 2, Jett Gillum 10, Andrew Wilkins 4, Max Woelfer 17. Leading rebounder -- Gillum 9.
Game One
Team Denton 12 10 8 14 -- 44
Team Bridges 15 6 11 10 -- 42
Team Denton -- Natalie Carie 19, Michael Cross 8, Jacob Miller 12, Trey Nohren 5. Leading rebounder -- Carie 8.
Team Bridges -- Ty Barnwell 13, Kaleb Blake 11, Ashtin Bridges 5, Lucas Sparks 13. Leading rebounder -- Barnwell 16.
Game One
JCR Carpentry 68, Taylor Law 63
JCR Carpentry -- Jon Tipton 21, Luke Niebrugge 5, Andy Tipton 28, Jason Devore 8, Rich Borries 6
Taylor Law -- Deano Tull 28, Jared Yager 9, Chris Bohnhoff 17, Aaron Leonard 7, Kyle Moomaw 2
Game Two
Grobie Flooring 71, Mach I 61
Grobie Flooring -- Colton Booher 17, Mitch Ruff 7, Logan Mahon 27, Brian Suckow 10, Zeke Asher 8, Conner Beasley 2
Mach I -- Aaron Niebruge 14, Dave Massengill 16, Chad Armstrong 8, Andrew Ewing 15, Jared Massengill 8
Game One
New Hope Church 85, Croplan 77
New Hope Church -- Brad Beck 2, Coy Spencer 6, Jason Devore 14, Mike Walker 19, Jered Pals 27, Jeff Crowell 2, Glen Phillips 14, Phil Hull 2, B. Johnson 7 (individuals add up to 93 while 85 listed as final)
Croplan -- Aaron McManaway 6, Justin Osteen 2, Kris Biggs 18, Jake Hartkie 2, Tim Bohnhoff 15, Ryan Wermert 19, Bryan Cox 12, Jason Ruholl 13
Game Two
Roger's Home Appliance 76, Chet's Electric 67
Roger's Home Appliance -- Ryan Beccue 3, Justin Roedl 13, Greg Feezel 22, Chris Guse 1, Matt Robinson 10, Shane Haslett 5, Scott Randall 8, Jeff Maxey 9, Marc Scholes 5
Chet's Electric -- Patrick Mapes 5, Jason Jones 4, Chet Allen 8, J.B. Miller 23, Pat Hardiek 2, Mark Nieibrugge 24 (individuals add up to 66 while 67 listed as final)