Effingham County Lightning Girls Advance to Special Olympics State


Published on March 3 2017 7:19 am
Last Updated on March 3 2017 7:19 am
Written by Millie Lange

TRENTON -- Three Area 9 basketball teams competed at the District Basketball Tournament at Trenton Wesclin High School in January.

The Effingham County Lightning girls advanced to the Special Olympics Illinois State Basketball Competition March 17-19 at Illinois State University and Illinois Wesleyan.

The Effingham County Lightning boys basketball team, coached by Steve Ludwig and Manny Wei, and the Mattoon/Charleston Hornets, coached by Brad Duncan, vied for the return championship titles.

Despite wins over their opponents in the first round of the tourney, both the Hornets and the Lightning were unable to pull out wins in the second rounds of their team brackets.

The Lightning placed second in Division 1 while the M/C Hornets also earned silver medals in Division 3.