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VITA 2018 Tax Assistance

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Monday, January 22, 2018by kenna.kj

VITA 2018 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

LifeSpan Center’s VITA program will be offering an IRS tax return service for 2018.  VITA is designed to help taxpayers complete their BASIC tax returns at NO cost. Certified LSVP Volunteers that have received training from the IRS are here to help prepare basic tax returns. Clients are NOT charged fees for this service. This year, CCCoA LifeSpan Center and LSVP will be assisting community members with their tax preparation and will begin scheduling appointments on Monday, January 22rd for appointments between the dates of Feb 5th - April 12th. Sorry, we cannot take

walk-ins.  Appointment times available:  9AM, 10AM and 11AM AND 12:30PM, 1:30PM and 2:30PM.

Stop by and pickup your VITA brochure with updated information beginning January 1, 2018. You must make less than $54,000≈ a year to receive this VITA service. If you need a ride to your appointment, please contact Dial-A-Ride 2 days to 2 weeks prior to your appointment. For information about the Zip Line or to schedule Door-to-Door service between the hours of 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM, please call

217-639-5169 and schedule your VITA Dial-A-Ride pick-up time.
