Teutopolis Schools Moving Ahead w/Renovation Work; Considering New Construction


Published on March 18 2025 10:40 am
Last Updated on March 18 2025 10:40 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Teutopolis school board members Monday approved a reskin of the high school cafeteria and Unit Office, as well as new entries to the high school and junior high school buildings.

The Board awarded the project to Swingler Construction of Teutopolis at a cost of $1,270,500. The plan is to use district reserves, with no additional borrowing and no increase in the property tax levy.

Board members Monday also authorized the district architect to complete spec drawings for a possible junior high school expansion. Both a two-classroom and a three-classroom/one restroom option will be considered, with the final layout to be determined. Construction would likely occur in 2026 and would accommodate the movement of sixth grade to the junior high school. If the project proceeds, the movement of sixth grade classes would occur for the 2026-2027 school year.

Teutopolis Superintendent Matt Sturgeon said once architectural drawings are received, the Board would publicly bid the work. This project would also be funded through district reserves, again requiring no additional borrowing and no increase to the property tax levy. Additionally, administration will make necessary section modifications to accommodate Grades Pre-K to 6 for the coming school year.

Meanwhile, board members and administrators continued to discuss facility needs to accommodate a growing population and the need to modernize facilities, particularly at the grade school building. The project leading to relocating sixth grade classes to the junior high for the 2026-2027 school year could lead to a multiyear facility improvement project. That work to modernize instructional spaces and improve aging grade school infrastructure could begin as soon as the 2027-2028 school year. Conversations are expected to continue in the coming months, and external listening sessions about possible facility improvements and funding sources are expected.

Also Monday, the Teutopolis board established graduation and promotion dates; approved the calendar for the coming school year; approved an agreement with Lake Land College for dual credit; approved the purchase of Social Studies textbooks for the grade school; approved the annual Teutopolis High School CEO field trip to Cincinnati; and approved summer camps and authorized summer maintenance projects.

The Teutopolis Education Foundation recently approved more than $50,000 in grants to staff on various projects. The Foundation is also considering two sizable requests for potential future approval pending identified need and Board agreement.

The Teutopolis board accepted resignations from Brittany Schultz as grade school paraprofessional and Nicole Gray as high school volleyball assistant coach, both as of the end of the school year. Also accepted were letters of retirement from Christy Repking and Terri Hille as grade school cooks, both as of the end of the school year; and from grade school teacher Stacia Wortman and junior high school teacher Kent Niebrugge, both as of the end of the 2027-2028 school year. A list of summer workers was also approved.

The Board hired Lea Hooch as district band instructor, Danielle Weber as speech language pathologist; and Katherine Fehrenbacher as a high school Math instructor.

Board members also instructed Sturgeon to establish a District Leadership Team with these goals: Curriculum Review, Textbook Adoption, Goals for School Improvement Planning in Connection w/District Goals, and Professional Development for the District. Sturgeon was also directed to seek public bids on group health, dental and vision insurance coverage for renewal as of September 1.