Published on March 12 2025 4:29 pm
Last Updated on March 12 2025 4:53 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Altamont is getting ready for a major water main replacement project.
The city council voted this week to award the project to Kieffer Brothers Construction of Mt. Carmel for $1,876,072.22. The project will involve water main replacement along Main Street from Route 40 to Monroe Street, along 4th and 3rd Streets from Route 40 to Division Street, Edwards Street from Grant to Division Streets, and Ewing Street by Altamont Community High School. Council members chose an alternate involving thicker pipe and replacement sidewalk where the new pipes run under the existing sidewalk.
The project will also involve tree removal. Jay's Tree Service was awarded the work for $15,000 for work along the east sides of Main, 3rd and 4th Streets.
The Council amended the solar avoided cost rate from .0543 to .0391, and raised the ball diamond use fee from $200 to $300. They also amended the ordinance regulating nuisances and abandoned buildings, and appointed Amanda Bannister, Pam Dammerman and Jaz Sain to fill vacancies on the Altamont Zoning Board. One vacancy remains.
The Council awarded a bid to Tyler Polk, the only bidder, for a vacant lot at Main and Madison Streets for $7,500.