Dieterich School Board Approves Calendar for Coming School Year

Published on March 11 2025 9:53 am
Last Updated on March 11 2025 9:53 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Dieterich school board members Monday approved the calendar for the coming school year. The first day of student attendance will be August 14, with a teacher institute on August 13.
The Board approved IHSA boys and girls golf teams for the coming school year and established activity accounts for bass fishing and golf.
Dieterich Elementary Principal Josh Benefiel shared about projected Kindergarten enrollment for the coming school year. Currently, there are 42 students registered for Kindergarten, and Benefiel expects several more to register. He also shared the progress of the Pre-K Roundup. There were 73 children screened this year.
Junior-Senior High Principal Scott Kocher presented options for the addition of IHSA-required shot clocks for the gyms. Additionally, cost estimates for a video display board were discussed for the high school gym.
In personnel, a list of 12 bass fishing boat captains was approved for the upcoming season, and support staff employee Kimberly Bierman was discussed as of February 19. The Board approved a long-term, unpaid leave of absence for support staff employee Nicole Bishop, effective through the end of the school year, and approved a leave of absence for support staff employee Hallie Schumacher for maternity leave, starting the beginning of the coming school year, for four weeks. Those hired were Michelle Johnson as elementary Special Education teacher, Beth Sturgeon as Elementary teacher, Reece Ballinger as high school English teacher, and Brenda Cooper as a fulltime custodian.