Unit 40 Goes to Work on After-School, Summer Programs


Published on March 10 2025 7:46 pm
Last Updated on March 11 2025 8:52 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham Unit 40 school board members Monday began to implement after-school and summer programs for the coming three years. Unit 40 Superintendent Andy Johnson, though, would like the program to continue indefinitely.
The district received Federal funds through the Illinois State Board of Education totaling just under $1.6 million to fund the program.
The Board approved job descriptions for the co-ordinators, site supervisors, facilitators and facilitator assistants. Also, Southside Principal Jessica Reeder was hired as one of the co-ordinators for the program. Another co-ordinator is being sought.
The goal is to hire up to four site supervisors, up to 12 facilitators, and up to six facilitator assistants.
The after-school program will run from March 31 to the end of the school year on May 17. The program will run from 3:30 to 6pm.
As for the summer program, a start date is yet to be announced but it will conclude August 1. 
Johnson is hopeful that the program will be successful and will encourage sponsorships from those in the community far after the three-year grant funding ends. More information is forthcoming regarding the program, but a goal of the after-school program is to make sure students have time for their homework and to get them fed before they head home. Various activities will also available each day.
More information on the program is going out Tuesday. Johnson said they are working with the Park District, local churches and other entities to house the programs. He also gave kudos to Curriculum Director Michelle Beck for her work in applying for the grant funds.
Unit 40 board members also approved an updated job description for the Director of the Little Hearts Early Childhood Center and approved a new job description for an assistant director.
In other personnel action, the Unit 40 Board hired Mikayla McWhorter as an Art teacher at Central School for the coming school year; Austin Finn as a second shift custodian at Central; and Alli Brumleve as an English Language Arts teacher at the junior high for the coming school year. Transfers approved were Rebekah Dial as head cook at the high school, Jamie Parks as a 5-1/2 hour cook at the high school, and Courtney Bushue as a six-hour cook at the high school. Allison Kingery was transferred to be a PFA teacher at East Side for the coming school year. Resignations were accepted from Matt Carpenter as boys freshman basketball coach and from Sidney Donaldson as fresh-soph girls basketball coach. Baron Guenther's retirement as a custodian was also accepted.