This is 2025 Lutheran Schools Week


Published on March 4 2025 9:08 am
Last Updated on March 4 2025 9:08 am
Written by Greg Sapp

This is National Lutheran Schools Week for 2025. This year's theme is "Endure", based on Hebrews 12:1-3. 

At Altamont Lutheran Interparish School, activities begin today with "Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus". Students were invited to wear bright colors and sunglasses. Wednesday will have the theme "Enduring the Cross" and students should wear their class color. It'll be Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.

Thursday will be "The Joy Set Before Us", and students are encouraged to wear blue, gold and Rockets gear. It'll be Bowling Day. Friday will be "Running the Race With Perseverance" with students encouraged to wear their best "race day" gear, such as sports jerseys, athletic clothes and tennis shoes. It'll also be Grandparents Day.

At Trinity Lutheran School in Stewardson, things got started on Sunday with the students singing during the worship service, enjoying a spaghetti dinner, and the scholastic book fair will be open.

Monday was Lutheran Schools Week T-shirt day and roller skating, along with pizza, chips and random desserts. Today it's Surf and Turf Day. Students were encouraged to dress for the beach or as a cowboy. They're playing all school four corner Bible Trivia and enjoying tacos or nachos, apples and jello cake.

Wednesday is Zoom Meeting Day with students encouraged to wear something nice on top and casual bottoms. It'll be Read w/a Buddy Day and the hot lunch will feature breakfast items. Thursday will be Holiday Day with students dressing for their favorite holiday. It'll be a country fried steak lunch and students will be making cards for their supporting congregations.

Friday will have an "In the Community" theme with dimissal at 11:15am. It'll be PG and Horrible Hair Day as well as KidsHeart Challenge Day.