Published on August 2 2023 3:57 pm
Last Updated on August 3 2023 2:12 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Street improvements were a key topic at Tuesday's Effingham City Council meeting.
The Council approved a contract with Kinney Contractors for pavement patching for $312,461 and a contract with Varsity Striping for pavement striping for $188,508.57. The Council also accepted a proposal from Effingham Asphalt for $379,406 for Phase 2 of this year's resurfacing program. Director of Public Works Jeremy Heuerman said the streets to be resurfaced are Wenthe Drive and Koester Street.
Council members approved a contract for billboards promoting Effingham in Warrenton, Missouri and Brazil, Indiana; approved City Commissioner Hank Stephens and Economic Development Director Todd Hull to again represent the City on the Effingham Regional Growth Alliance; and approved Bridget Polk as City Treasurer. City Administrator Steve Miller said they are excited about Polk's appointment due to her 18 years' experience as an accountant and some municipal experience for the Village of Strasburg.
The Council approved the route for the Effingham High School Homecoming Parade on Wednesday, September 27 as the same route as in previous years. There had been concern that the Fayette Avenue reconstruction project might necessitate a change in the route but the project will not have progressed that far east by the date of the parade. The Council also voted against a requested rezoning of property along Miracle Avenue from non-urban and light industrial to multiple dwelling district.
Mayor Mike Schutzbach, who serves as City Liquor Commissioner and City Attorney Tracy Willenborg discussed a change in the liquor ordinance regarding the minimum age for those who deliver liquor for local establishments. The State changed its guidelines and municipalities are required to conform with those guidelines. Schutzbach said he wants the minimum age for those who deliver liquor to remain 21, and he and Willenborg believe the City will comply with State guidelines even though the State minimum age is now 18.
The Council also discussed acquisition of temporary use permits and easements for properties along the north side of Fayette Avenue and construction of sewer lines in that area; discussed allowing Village Wine to hold the annual Cruise Night on Saturday, September 9; discussed using parking lots and streets for the Corvette Welcome Fest in September; discussed design engineering on a reconstruction of Red Oak Street from Hendelmeyer Avenue to Blohm Avenue; discussed obtaining jurisdiction over property along Heritage Avenue and Hampton Drive; and discussed a bid letting for an extension of Thies Avenue in the area of John Boos and Company and a reconstruction of Airport Road east from South Route 45 to Hetzel's Overland Transport coming up on August 24.