County Board Splits on Appointments to Ambulance Oversight Committee


Published on December 21 2020 6:58 pm
Last Updated on December 21 2020 6:58 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

The Effingham County Board appointed Mike DePoister and Debra Murbarger to new terms on the County's Ambulance Oversight Committee at Monday's meeting, but it was a split vote.

Member John Perry was most vocal in his opposition, saying Status Zero calls are a problem, and have been for some time. Perry said he would have voted against whatever holdover board members had been up for reappointment.

Member Rob Arnold, though, said COVID is the cause behind most of the Status Zero problems, as it has led to staffing problems and more calls. Arnold said, "COVID is the 900-pound gorilla in the room."

Perry contended, though, that there were Status Zero problems before COVID came along. 

Perry and the two new board members, Elizabeth Houston and Norbert Soltwedel, voted No on the reappointments. Arnold, Board Chairman Jim Niemann, Board Vice Chairman Dave Campbell, Doug McCain and Heather Mumma voted Yes on the reappointments. Mumma participated by phone. Member Joe Thoele did not participate in Monday's meeting.

Perry also voted against the salary schedule for non-union employees.

The Board voted on these items:

--a K-9 Search and Rescue memorandum of understanding

--renew participation in the State's Attorney's Appellate Prosecutor Service

--use of rooms in the County Office Building

--bridge aid petition in West Township

--motor fuel tax funds for road maintenance and for the salary of County Engineer Greg Koester

--purchase of property for Phase 2 of the extension of West Evergreen Avenue, two parcels from John Grupe, Douglas Grupe, Dale Grupe, Sylvia Taylor, and Elizabeth Orie, and purchase of a parcel from Joan Epperson, Jean Galloway and Judy French

--tabled an amendment to the Effingham County Animal Control Ordinance with consideration at the January meeting

--approved the schedule for County Board meetings and committee meetings in 2021

--passed two delinquent property resolutions on which taxes haven't been paid for three years so the County takes ownership of the parcels and tries to sell them off

--heard from Effingham County Economic Development Advisory Board Chairman Dave Campbell that Retro Pizza has paid off the loan they had obtained from the county for their business. Campbell said there is around $25,000 available for those with a new or expanding business. The County loans the business owner the funds and the owner pays the loan funds back within a specified period of time