Published on December 11 2020 1:52 pm
Last Updated on December 11 2020 1:52 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Jasper County Board members Thursday reviewed plans for a new law enforcement center.
A 40-page presentation from the architecture firm detailed roofing, elevation, wall structure, plumbing, sprinkler system, sanitary, handicapped accessibility, electrical, lighting and the general floor plan.
The design process is about 85% complete and current plans and design have been shared with the Department of Corrections.
The thought now is that the approval of the design to seek bids would not be final approval of the building. Once the bids are reviewed, the Board will either accept, reject or seek to negotiate the details of the bids. The next project meeting is scheduled for December 16.
The Board also considered the tax levy for the new fiscal year. A motion to lower the tax levy by 10% failed with just two Yes votes. The proposed levy was then approved, with the two who voted Yes on the lower levy voting No on the approved levy.
Board members approved a $1,000 annual donation to the Jasper County CEO Program, approved Edward Deters as Jasper County Public Defender for a one-year term, appointed Mindy Hartke and Jane Casey to two-year terms on the ILLINOISouth Tourism Board, and appointed John L. Probst to a three-year term as Island Grove Mutual Farm Drainage District commissioner. The Board also approved Dr. Jeanine Fell, Dr. Scott Bloomberg and Marcia Street to the Jasper County Board of Health.