Published on December 11 2020 11:13 am
Last Updated on December 11 2020 11:13 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Dieterich has done a lot in recent years to beautify the village's downtown area. Village officials are hopeful good bids for the next phase of the work will be received when they are considered by state officials in January.
The work will include parking near the school complex, as well as sidewalks, street lights, paving, storm sewers and gutters.
Village Board members also this week heard that installation of electric service in the Industrial Park East has been delayed by COVID among Ameren staffers and will now take place in January. Also, the latest edition of plans for the straightening of Dieterich Creek are headed back to the US Army Corps of Engineers; work is planned to install a french drain system at Virginia and Park Streets near the Veterans Memorial; and a project is being developed to clean out the detention pond on Norb Avenue in the west side industrial park with installation to follow of a V-bottom ditch to make for easier subsequent cleanouts.
The Board also approved holiday bonus pay for village employees, and agreed to continue meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month.