National Doctors Day Upcoming


Published on March 13 2013 11:10 am
Last Updated on July 14 2013 12:07 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Medical providers will be honored at health care organizations throughout the country Saturday, March 30, during National Doctors’ Day.  This annual event recognizes physicians for the important role they play in helping patients, promoting overall health, and their significant accomplishments.

The annual event was first celebrated March 30, 1933, when Eudora Brown Almond, wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond, set a day aside to honor physicians.  From those beginnings in Winder, Georgia, the celebration spread and the House and Senate officially declared March 30 National Doctors’ Day in 1990.

A press release from the hospital reads, "St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital wishes to extend its deep gratitude and appreciation to the physicians for the long hours and dedication to providing excellent patient care of the people in our community.  Since National Doctor’ Day falls on a Saturday this year, St. Anthony’s will be honoring their physicians with a special celebration on Wednesday, March 27.

Members of hospital administration will be on hand in the physician lounge thanking the doctors and presenting them with a special gift in gratitude of their service.  In addition, physicians will be presented with special chocolate “Oscars” for winning nominations received from hospital colleagues and fellow physicians, with fun categories such as “Most Likely to Play a Doctor on TV” or “Most Likely to Play Marilyn Monroe in a Movie,” among many other categories.

In recognition of the day, St. Anthony’s is also collecting personal messages from hospital colleagues to members of the active Medical Staff.  The messages will be on display the week of Doctor’s Day and given to the physicians afterwards."

For more information, contact Misty Campos, St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital’s Physician Liaison, at 347-1590.  To find physicians in the area, visit, and select “Find a Physician.”