EIU Releases Changes in Plans Due to COVID-19


Published on March 12 2020 1:33 pm
Last Updated on March 12 2020 2:14 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Eastern Illinois University this afternoon announced its changes in plans for the remainder of the Spring semester due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

EIU 2020 v2

Here is the statement in its entirety:

To the Eastern Illinois University community:

We write to update you on our response to the unprecedented health challenges presented by the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It is critical our university remains proactive and engaged in ensuring the health and safety of everyone within our university community. 

In order to address these new challenges, a number of actions are necessary to protect the safety, health, and well-being of our University community. Our actions are based on current best practices for managing the quickly evolving situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, and in accordance with current COVID-19 information available from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as from state and local health officials. We understand that many questions remain, and ask for your patience as we navigate these new challenges together.

The actions to be taken include the following:

We recognize these actions will undoubtedly create challenges for students, faculty, staff members, and the greater Eastern Illinois University community. However, this pandemic has created unprecedented circumstances, making these actions prudent and necessary. For more information about COVID-19 and Eastern Illinois University’s response, please visit https://www.eiu.edu/covid/.

We understand this message also will raise questions for which answers are not yet available.  In the interim, we will continue to have ongoing discussions with students, faculty, and staff members impacted by today’s decisions answering to more specific issues. We ask for your patience as we attempt to address individual concerns and circumstances. Until then, inquiries can be directed to covid19info@eiu.edu.

Eastern Illinois University is a community unified by the deep, impactful relationships we create with our students. As such, we pledge to work together as we navigate these unprecedented circumstances. We appreciate your understanding as we move forward with the best interests of all involved driving our every decision.


David Glassman, President
Jay Gatrell, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Lynette Drake, Vice President for Student Affairs

A number of other institutions such as the U of I, Illinois State, UI Springfield and Parkland College have decided to switch to all online courses for the time being.