State Will Begin Accepting Tax Returns on Monday
Published on January 23 2020 9:26 am
Last Updated on January 23 2020 9:26 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) will begin accepting 2019 state individual income tax returns on Monday, January 27, the same date that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) begins accepting federal individual income tax returns. If a taxpayer electronically files an error free return, they should receive a direct deposit refund within four weeks. Last year, IDOR saw a 2.5% increase in the number of electronic fliers; of the 6,179,810 individual income tax returns, 88.3% were filed electronically and 63% received refunds.
“The fastest way for taxpayers to receive their refund is to file electronically and request direct deposit,” said IDOR acting Director David Harris. “Taxes are due April 15th. I encourage taxpayers to take their time to accurately file, making use of all tax credits and deductions legally available to maximize any refund owed.”
Last year, IDOR streamlined its identify verification process through MyTax Illinois resulting in faster processing times and quicker delivery of refunds. Taxpayers can do their part by protecting their personal information and staying alert to phone scams or phishing emails. For more tips and up-to-date information, taxpayers should visit IDOR’s website.
Free filing of Form IL-1040 is available through MyTax Illinois. Individuals may also utilize MyTax Illinois to make payments, check the status of their Illinois Individual Income Tax refunds using the Where’s My Refund? link, and look up their IL-PINs, amounts of any estimated tax payments they have made, and (when necessary) amounts reported on Form 1099-G.
For the most up-to-date information, forms, schedules, and instructions for the 2019 tax year, please visit IDOR’s website at: